Positive, Inspirational Words with Meanings (with 7 letters)

Whether you arrived at this post looking for inspirational words, a list of positive words, 7-letter words to help achieve success with word games (Hello 50 point Scrabble bonus!) or some good words to help with positive thinking to improve your emotional state, you are in the right place!

If you are looking for a crossword clue or help with your word scramble games, here you will find some of the best positive words. I tried to choose lesser used words to keep things interesting!

This list of encouraging, kind words is part of a larger collection of positive language that can be found at Impactful Ninja. There are 2,785 vocabulary words on their list!

inspiring words

26 Positive Seven-letter Words (starting with every letter of the alphabet) and their meanings:

A – Abubble: Brimming with excitement and energy, indicating a lively and animated state of being (excited, animated, vibrant).

B – Balmily: In a soothing and comforting manner, providing a sense of calm and relaxation (soothingly, comfortingly, tranquilly).

C – Caramba: An exclamation of surprise or frustration, often used to express admiration or amazement (Wow, incredible, amazing).

D – Deterge: To cleanse or purify thoroughly, leaving no residue or impurities behind, resulting in a spotless and pristine surface (cleanse, purify, sanitize).

E – Eidolon: An idealized person or thing, often representing a perfect form or concept, inspiring creativity and imagination (muse, inspiration, visionary).

F – Festoon: To adorn with ribbons, garlands, or other decorations, creating a festive and celebratory atmosphere (decorate, embellish, bedeck).

G – Gallant: A person who is brave, chivalrous, and honorable, often in the face of danger or adversity, demonstrating courage and selflessness (valiant, heroic, noble).

Looking for more encouragement and positive reading? Check out this post:

How to Be Authentic In a World Telling You That You Aren’t Enoughhow to be yourself

H – Halcyon: Referring to a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful, evoking feelings of nostalgia and contentment (blissful, serene, tranquil).

I – Indulge: To allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something, often without restraint, signifying a healthy balance of self-care and enjoyment (savor, relish, delight).

J – Jinkies: Expressing surprise or astonishment, often used humorously or playfully (wow, holy cow, geez).

K – Kudosly: In a manner that shows admiration or praise, signifying recognition and appreciation for someone’s achievements (admiringly, appreciatively, approvingly).

L – Lambent: Describing a soft, glowing light or a gentle glow, indicating a peaceful and serene atmosphere (radiant, luminous, glowing).

M – Mahatma: A title given to a great leader or teacher, known for their wisdom and compassion, inspiring others to follow their example (sage, guru, mentor).

N – Nobbily: In a stylish and elegant manner, adding a touch of sophistication and refinement to any situation (gracefully, elegantly, chicly).

O – Oasisly: In a manner that provides relief or refuge, signifying a peaceful and rejuvenating experience (soothingly, calmingly, restfully).

P – Piquant: Having a pleasantly sharp or spicy taste, adding a delightful kick to any dish (zesty, flavorful, tangy).

Q – Quester: A person who seeks or searches for something, often an adventure or knowledge, embodying curiosity and a thirst for discovery (adventurer, explorer, seeker).

R – Reposte: A quick and witty reply, often used in a playful or humorous manner, showcasing one’s intelligence and humor (comeback, retort, riposte).

S – Snicker: To give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh, often expressing disrespect or scorn, but also used playfully or affectionately, signifying a lighthearted and humorous attitude (chuckle, giggle, titter).

crossword puzzle

T – Tamasha: A type of Indian entertainment featuring music, dance, and drama, often performed in public places (festive, lively, colorful).

U – Unifier: A person or thing that brings together or unites different things or people, promoting harmony and cooperation (harmonizer, integrator, mediator).

V – Valiant: Showing courage and determination in the face of danger or difficulty, exemplifying bravery and heroism (courageous, gallant, heroic).

W – Waggery: Mischievous humor, symbolizing humor, fun, and mischief (jest, prank, trick).

X – Xenial (okay, this one only has 6 letters- but there are a surpising number of words related to organisms and wood that start with the letter X, and words longer than 7-letters long!): Relates to hospitable behavior towards guests, promotes goodwill and social cohesion (hospitable, welcoming, genial).

Y – Younker: A young person, typically a teenager or young adult, who is enthusiastic, energetic, and eager to learn and explore new things, signifying a sense of curiosity and potential (youth, adolescent, youngster).

Z – Zanyism: Behavior or quality of being zany, promotes laughter, joy, and entertainment (ludicrousness, silliness, absurdity).

If you have enjoyed learning the significance of these words, it would be a great idea for you hop over to the Impactful Ninja’s site to find more word lists for positive impact. I am a bit of a Word Nerd and enjoy learning about the meaning of words in the English Language as a means to personal growth.

I have learned some interesting facts and new words while putting this exciting set of words together. It has been a great way to learn some new terms to use in our daily lives and is also a great way to help me up my Scrabble game!

I hope you have found some helpful information here today and have found some new words that have impacted you in a positive way!

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