A New Beginning | Saying “Yes” to a Calling

a new beginning quote

I’m going to start this post off with a confession. I am nervous. The anticipation of a new beginning can be both exciting and anxiety inducing.

I have had it on my heart for many years to write. To encourage, to share my experiences. But I have been afraid. Afraid of being vulnerable. Afraid that people might think that I think that I am something that I am not.

I have started multiple blogs and have even shared some. But I let this creative outlet, this calling, get buried under the weight of full-time work, parenting and a myriad of other things.

But I just cannot shake that this is what I am supposed to be doing. So I am taking a risk. Taking a risk that no one will read, or that many people will. Risking that people will have hurtful opinions about what I have to share.

If everyone else on the planet can seem to have an opinion, then I guess it is about time that I give myself permission to have some, especially when they are usually backed by love and grace with the intention to help others feel included, loved and find direction.

I’m tired of trying to fit into some mold and am ready to pursue my own interests and passions, even if they look different from those of the person next door. I’ve been so worried about offending others when others in the world clearly aren’t worried about offending me. And as a side note-

a new beginning

Choose to not be easily offended, or you will waste a lot of your energy and life.

-Sincerely, Kristi

Am I an expert in life, parenthood, emotional wellbeing and faith? Nope. But I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a PK-12 teaching certificate, am a parent to two teens and have a whole lot of lived experiences in these areas.

I am always learning and growing. I don’t and won’t claim to have “arrived” or to have it all figured out or to be wiser than the next person. But I love to encourage and teach and hope you find some encouragement here.

As I have grappled with committing to sharing myself in this way and carving out time to let God guide where He wants this to go, I heard him whisper, “If you don’t trust yourself, then trust Me.” And I don’t know of anyone more trustworthy than Him. So here we go…

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